Actaea racemosa 3lt
A North American woodland native with textured leaves emerging from a short creeping rhizome. Tall flower stems up to 1.2M with long white bottlebrush flowers in July-Aug.
Aralia cachemirica 3lt
Stout growing, clump-forming architectural perennial. With strong stems to 3m, bearing large alternate bipinnate leaves, topped in August by terminal racemes of white flowers soon followed by globose purple-black fruit.
Aruncus dioicus 'Chantilly Lace' 3lt
A handsome clump forming perennial with feathery plumes of delicate creamy white flowers in early summer held high above the fern-like deep green foliage. Max height 90cm. Max spread 90cm.
Aspidistra elatior 2lt
Cast-iron Plant. Glossy dark green foliage, bell-shaped flowers at the base of the plant used as a houseplant but also useful in the garden in a shady spot. Tolerant of dry shade.
Blechnum spicant 1lt
The native hard fern. A very pretty fern with good neat clumps of comb-like fronds.
Cardamine quinquefolia 1lt
Spreading perennial with toothed, green leaves. Loose clusters of single pale pink/purple flowers. Disappears under ground mid Spring so cản be a good companion for, later shooting perennials.
Carex siderosticha Shiro Nakafu 1lt
A broad leaved sedge with white/cream and green variegation which is tolerant of shade so very useful for lightening areas. Likes moist soil and does not like to dry out. Deciduous and forms a nice ground cover over time.
Danae racemosa 3lt
Alexandrian Laurel. A charming shrub with slender green stems and arching sprays of narrow shiny green leaves, greenish yellow flowers are followed by orange-red fruits in hot summers.
Disporopsis pernyi
A perennial with glossy dark green leaves and lemon-scented white flowers with reflexed green tips, on slightly arching leafy stems.
Dryopteris atrata 1lt
Shaggy shield fern. Evergreen Asian fern. Long dark green fronds with attractive black scales on the stems. Hardy
Eomecon chionantha 3lt
Snow Poppy. A spreading perennial with pretty heart-shaped grey-green leaves. Loose panicles of poppy-like white flowers. Max Height 40cm. Flowers April to July. Partial shade. Hardy.
Geranium 'Blushing Turtle' 2lt
Hemiboea subcapitata 1lt
African violet relation with reports coming through of surprising hardiness possibly -15C providing not sodden. Foliage alone makes this a nice addition to the garden however in September amazing spotted tubular flowers
Hosta minor BSWJ1209 9cm
Small creeping perennial with mid to dark green veined leaves. Mauve flowers in summer. Max Height 10cm. Max Spread 1m. Flowers June to July. Partial shade. Slow growing and avoid being over wet in Winter
Hydrangea arborescens 'Ryan Gainey' 3lt
Superior form to Annabelle. White snowball shaped flowers which cover the entire plant. Flowers from late May and continues for many months. Blooms on current year's growth allowing it to bloom year after year (even after severe pruning or
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nigra' 3lt
A rounded shrub with glossy, dark green leaves on black stems and large mophead flowers of rose-pink, occasionally blue from mid to late summer.
Maianthemum bifolium kamtschaticum minimum 1lt
Very small heart shaped leaves slowly spreading habit. Short spike of white flowers emerging late spring with some fragrance. These are followed by red fruit before the plant goes dormant for winter. Shade to semi shade in humus soil. Because of size beware of larger plants smothering. Will work in a sink or pot.
Maianthemum racemosa 2lt
False Solomons Seal. Tall stem emerging with alternate leaves ending in a pendulous paniculate inflorescence coloured white. Followed by red berries. Full-semi shade. Flowering April-May. 1m height
Musa basjoo 5lt
Sold out larger specimens available for collection only. A very handsome plant with large green leaves and creamy-yellow flowers with brown bracts
Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'
Gown for its dramatic foliage that changes colour with the seasons. Starts with velvety, burgundy-plum, long heart-shaped leaves set off by a silvery, metallic, chevron-shaped marking, which gradually turns red as the foliage becomes greener. It is fairly vigorous, though not invasive. Hardy.
Pinellia pedatisecta 1lt
Bulbous perennial with exotic looking pedate leaves emerging in the Spring woodland garden. Followed with arisaema like green spathe with pale green tip and protruding curved spadix. Height 20-50cm. Well drained humus rich soil for best results. Bizzare and unusual
Polygonatum Cally sp 245
Up to 3 broad leaves in whorls up the stem. Pendant cream flowers in the axils which are reliably followed by translucent red/orange berries, like red mistletoe.
Polygonatum Cyrtonema 2lt
A very elegant form of this garden perennial with yellowish green flowers May-June. Very rarely offered.
Polygonatum humile Dopherensis 1lt
A perennial with upright stems and pendent, tubular white flowers followed by blue-black fruit. Max Height 20cm. Max Spread 50cm. Flowers May to June. Fruits August. Full sun/partial shade. Hardy. Harmful if eaten.
Polygonatum x hybridum 'Striatum' 2lt
A perennial with arching stems of bright green leaves, striped creamy white. Tubular green tipped creamy white flowers followed by blue-black fruit.
Polygonatum yunnanense og94047 1lt
A gorgeous dwarf form of Solomon's seal growing to 15cm with arching stems with alternate little glossy leaves. Tiny little cream bell flowers at leaf axils mid Spring followed by ark fruits.
Pulmonaria 'Majestee'
A clump forming herbaceous perennial. This plant has superb rosettes of silvery foliage with profuse clusters of coral/pink/violet flowers.
Pulmonaria 'Opal'
A clump forming herbaceous perennial. This plant has superb rosettes of silver spotted foliage with profuse clusters of pale blue flowers.
Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain' 1.5lt
A clump forming herbaceous perennial. This plant has superb rosettes of silver spotted foliage with profuse clusters of cobalt blue flowers.
Reineckea yunnanensis 1lt
An evergreen perennial with arching grey green leaves and fragrant deep pink flowers in late summer, rarely followed by red berries.
Roscoea cangshanensis BWJ7848 1lt
A tuberous perennial collected from Yunnan by Crug Farm. Dark green leaves and violet-pink, white striped orchid-like flowers in late summer or autumn. Max Height 30cm. Max Spread 15cm. Flowers August to September. Partial shade. Hardy.
Roscoea purpurea f. rubra Gurkha redstem 2lt
A tuberous perennial with deep green leaves and red orchid-like flowers in early and mid-sunmer. Max Height 40cm. Max Spread 15cm. Flowers June to July. Partial shade. Hardy. This form from division to keep the red/brown stem, Our plant from Crug.
Ruscus aculeatus 2lt
Butchers Broom. A native subshrub with upright stems of spiny tipped dark green leaves. Small greenish white flowers formed on the leaves which are followed by showy red berries from late summer to winter.
Sarcococca ruscifolia var. chinensis 'Dragon Gate’ 3lt
Evergreen, dense shrub that grows to 1.5m in time. Dark green narrow leaves and has small white and pink flowers in the leaf axils. Borne in midwinter the flowers emit a beautiful rich fragrance. They are followed by red berries.
found by Roy Lancaster. Will grow in moderate soil, best in semi-shade. Also good in containers. Hardy.
Sarcococca taiwaniana RWJ9999 3lt
A compact suckering shrub with narrow, glossy dark green leaves on purple stems collected by Crug farm in Taiwan. Clusters of fragrant white flowers in winter followed by blue-black fruit.
Strobilanthes attenuata white and blue 3lt
A branching semi-shrub with hairy leaves. Semi shaded site and humusy soil that retains moisture in Summer. Late Summer tubular trumpet shaped flowers of white with blue/purple ends emerge and continue until first frosts.
Syneilesis acontifolia 2lt
Highly desirable woodland plant which when established is tolerant of dry shade. When emerging these plants look like little Wombles! The leaves start to open like Umbrellas to reveal the wonderful dissected foliage.