Acanthus mollis 'Rue Ledan' 3lt
A rare variety of Bear's breeches with pure white flowers on top of grey-green spikes. Deeply cut, semi-evergreen foliage. Easy to grow in sun or shade and in any well drained soil. Fully hardy.
Actaea racemosa 3lt
A North American woodland native with textured leaves emerging from a short creeping rhizome. Tall flower stems up to 1.2M with long white bottlebrush flowers in July-Aug.
Amorphophallus konjac 1lt
Comoros perennial with a striking snakeskin mottled stem topped with a giant intricate divided leaf on top.
Aralia cachemirica 3lt
Stout growing, clump-forming architectural perennial. With strong stems to 3m, bearing large alternate bipinnate leaves, topped in August by terminal racemes of white flowers soon followed by globose purple-black fruit.
Arisaema flavum 2lt
Interesting woodlander with typical cobra hood flowers but in miniature. Quite squat in habit with green hood and dark mouth.
Arisarum vulgare var Typicum 1lt
Small arrow shaped greyish green foliage with silver spotting. Small Aroid type flowers coloured white with brown stripes Long spadix with a golden colour.
Aruncus dioicus 'Chantilly Lace' 3lt
A handsome clump forming perennial with feathery plumes of delicate creamy white flowers in early summer held high above the fern-like deep green foliage. Max height 90cm. Max spread 90cm.
Asarum pulchellum 3lt
Reasonably vigorous member of the ground gingers with fuzzy rounded leaves on a ground creeping rhizome system.8
Bupleurum longifolium 3lt
Fabulous perennial from Central Europe with dark green spatula shape leaves at the base. Flowers spikes up to 45cm tall with clusters of bracty flowers of greeny copper colours which make an excellent cut flower
Campanula kemulariae 2lt
Vigorous ground covering bell flower with heart shaped leaves with serrated edges. Early Summer pendant blue bell shaped flowers on thin stems held above the foliage.
Campanula sarastro 2lt
A hybrid bellflower with deep purple pendent bell flowers in Spring with a chance of repeat flower.
Cardamine bulbifera 1lt
Excellent woodlander for giving early cover in Spring with attractive pinky pale purple flowers.
Cardamine quinquefolia 1lt
Spreading perennial with toothed, green leaves. Loose clusters of single pale pink/purple flowers. Disappears under ground mid Spring so cản be a good companion for, later shooting perennials.
Carex siderosticha Shiro Nakafu 1lt
A broad leaved sedge with white/cream and green variegation which is tolerant of shade so very useful for lightening areas. Likes moist soil and does not like to dry out. Deciduous and forms a nice ground cover over time.
Cenolophium denudatum 3lt
Good domed headed umbellifer with creamy white flowers Jun-Sep. Attractive pinnate leaved foliage which is darkly coloured in Winter (when new growth starts). 1m ht sun to semi shade.
Commelina tuberosa 3lt
When in flower this instantly makes you realise it is a member of the Tradescants. Tall stems with the typical flowers spaced up them
Convallaria majalis Bordeaux 2lt
A creeping perennial with broad dark green leaves and stems of strongly scented, waxy larger pure white bell-shaped flowers held on stems above the leaves.
Dahlia imperialis Dark leaved form 3lt
Stunning tree Dahlia given to us by Adam Frost. Dark foliage and stems potentially capable of growing to 3m. If growing season long enough pinky lilac flowers but mainly grown as a statement and foliage plant. Sun to semi shade. Hardy most winters with a good mulch and good drainage
Daucus carota 2lt
Wild carrot. A good form of this native plant collected in Greece by Kevin Hughes. Good domed headed umbellifer with creamy white flowers Jun-Sept. Forming attractive seed heads after flowering.
Dianthus carthusianorum 2lt
Scented pink flowers from June to September with deadheading. Any well drained soil full sun and can be used as a cut flowers. Also known as German Pink.
Digitalis mertonensis 3lt
Perennial foxglove with ruffled coarse hairy leaves from which a spike of strawberry pink flowers emerge in late Spring to early Summer.
Echinops Veitch's Blue 2lt
Green thistle like foliage on this clump forming perennial. Spike of spherical deep blue flowers mid to late Summer.
Eomecon chionantha 3lt
Snow Poppy. A spreading perennial with pretty heart-shaped grey-green leaves. Loose panicles of poppy-like white flowers. Max Height 40cm. Flowers April to July. Partial shade. Hardy.
Eryngium giganteum 2lt
Miss Willmott's Ghost, Sea Holly. A biennial with spiny, mid-green leaves. Branched stems of cone-shaped, pale green at first then steel-blue flowers surrounded by spiny silvery grey bracts. Self seeds. Max Height 90cm. Max Spread 30cm. Flowers June to August. Full sun. Hardy.
Eupatorium fistulosum Bartered Bride 3lt
Tall statuesque herbaceous perennial with sharply pointed yellow green leaves with sturdy stems up to 3m high topped by heads of fluffy white flowers which are a nectar insect magnet.
Globba aff. hookeri HWJCM471 5lt
A ginger collected in Nepal. Up to 1.5m tall slender upright stems sporting typical ginger leaves. Unusual upright yellow racemes of flowers which form bulbils afterwards which drop to ground to make more plants.
Gunnera perpensa 3lt
Rounded felty about 20cm diameter leaves on stems to 45cm on this rhizome spreading plant. Sprays of reddish flowers in Summer.
Hedychium densiflorum 3lt
Clump forming perennial with tall reddish stems up to 2m which in late summer produce fragrant spikes of orange flowers.
Hedychium forestii 3lt
Hardy ginger with large leaves running up the stems. Late Summer exotic white feathery flowers from the end of the stems which can be very showy
Hedychium Tara 3lt
Clump forming perennial with tall spikes up to 2m which in late summer produce fragrant orange flowers. Full sun to part shade with some protection from frost in Winter
Helenium 'Red Jewel" 2lt
Sneezeweed. Sun loving, herbaceous perennial. From July through to September upright stems are topped with clusters of red-orange flowers with dark centres. H75cm. Fully hardy. Any soil. Great for bees and butterflies.
Helianthus Cally sp 3lt
A tall perennial with conspicuously veined green leaves. Rich yellow flowers open in late Summer to mid Autumn.
Helianthus salicifolius 3lt
Large perennial sunflower which can grow to 2.5m in ht. Tall but strong stems with foliage of long narrow leaves up the length of them giving a pleasing feathery effect and texture to the border.
Hemerocallis 'Pandoras Box' 3lt
A handsome perennial with sword-shaped arching leaves. Large cream with purple eye zone and green throat flowers in summer.
Hemerocallis 'Prince of Purple' 3lt
A clump-forming perennial with handsome, narrow arching leaves. Diural type with dark purple/violet petals with a green midrib. Chartreuse throat. Also has scent.
Hemerocallis 'Stoplight' 3lt
A clump-forming perennial with handsome, sword-shaped arching leaves. Large spider lily form. Red with slight green throat surrounded with a thin band of gold slight ruffling flowers in summer.
Hemerocallis 'Trahlyta' 3lt
A handsome perennial with sword-shaped arching leaves. Diural type with dark purple/violet petals with a green midrib. Chartreuse throat. Also has scent.
Hemerocallis 'Quilt Patch' 3lt
A clump-forming perennial with handsome, sword-shaped arching leaves. A very different brown/orange flower with darker mauve chevron eye and large gold throat reaching 13 cm across.